Before anything, make sure you check my last blog post about pokie. Yes I said it, I enjoy playing pokies online because I am the typical Australian guy and I like to take some free spins for a ride. Welcome Museums geeks, this is a perfect place for you to get all the news related to museums and one important aspect of this site is that it will run by museum professionals, so you can easily get in contact with them and get answers to your queries. Personally, I love to go to museums from my childhood days and whenever I travel to a new city with my parents on a holiday trip, I preferably choose those cities which have greater number of museums and as days pass my curiosity and dedication towards museums increases, and my passion leads me to join a museum as a museum professional so I created this web platform with my colleagues where I can share my thoughts, knowledge and information which I gather from my childhood.
This website provides you a modern way of learning and also the curiosity which will generate automatically after looking at any historical things or items, as every item had its own uniqueness and past, it will generate a question in the your mind “What past included with this item “ etc., here you will get all your answers.
As this site is for Museum professionals, not only you will find your answers quickly but with accuracy too. You will also help us to build it more user friendly content, by providing your suggestions and any relevant news you get, just send your details with your information in the Contact-Us page. We also provide e-books and other useful information from different resources to you at zero cost. Advertisements and posting commercial threads are strictly prohibited and also be respectful to the other members of the site.
If you have some extra time, check this cool post: http://listverse.com/2010/03/10/top-10-museums-for-geeks/