It is my opinion that this industry needs a forum where all parties involved can meet to discuss and interact with each other, and in the process improve their chances of being better professionals and probably improve their careers.
I have heard many times in the past things like “oh.. I wish I knew how to do this or that, too bad I wasn’t trained on that at school.”
Well, wake up! These are the days of the internet, if you don’t know something: learn it!
Get online, google your stuff and find the info you need. And if you don’t find it, guess what: you can ask! And guess what else: you can ask experts! And guess what other else: you can ask the experts for free!
It is no longer an excuse to not know something, come join us here, create an account in our forum and interact with other professionals in this industry. Give and get advice and we will all benefit from it. You’ve been warned, excuses are no longer valid.
To illustrate the point a little bit further, let me tell you a little story.
2 years ago, I was tasked to organize an exposition of a group local artists. So far so good, I was doing what I was used to doing. But then my manager called me and let me know that the media person had just resign, and that I was going to be in charge of running the communications of the expo, dealing with journalists, and running the social media properties. I had no clue where to start! Lucky me, I was able to get in touch with some people that had experience doing exactly this, and they became my “personal consultants” for the whooping price of … zero, nada. Why? They were just trying to help and be nice. Why? Because I used to play tennis with one of them.
Although I am not suggesting you should pick up your racket and start tennis lessons (it wouldn’t do you bad though…) I am suggesting that you network with other people in the industry, as this will help you to get much better at anything you are tasked, or want to do.